Correlation Between The Level of Lp-PLA2, MDA, F2- Isp in Serum And Aortic Tissue With The Number of Foam Cells at Atherogenesis Process in Wistar Rats

  • Retno Susilowati Islamic State University of Malang
  • Djanggan Sargowo Brawijaya University
  • Rasjad Indra Brawijaya University
  • Askandar Tjokroprawiro Airlangga University
  • Sri Widyarti Brawijaya University


Background. Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in non- hypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA2in the foam cell formation. Aims. To explain the role of Lp-PLA2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 ,MDA, F2-Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 , MDA, F2-Isp contents in serum

with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs.

Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g,

were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter

was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C,

MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA2in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation. Results. Research result indicated that: (1) The level of MDA(a), F2-Isp(s) and Lp-PLA2(s) positively correlated with FCs, Lp-PLA(s)having the highest

correlation value. (2) Lp-PLA2(a),MDA(s) and F2-Isp(s,a)did not correlate with

FCs. (3) There was a positive correlation between Lp-PLA2 with MDA and

F2-Isp in both serum and aorta.

Conclusion. The enzyme of Lp-PLA2 acts as an activator in forming the

foam cell with stimulated stress oxidation.


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How to Cite
Susilowati, R., Sargowo, D., Indra, R., Tjokroprawiro, A., & Widyarti, S. (2013). Correlation Between The Level of Lp-PLA2, MDA, F2- Isp in Serum And Aortic Tissue With The Number of Foam Cells at Atherogenesis Process in Wistar Rats. Indonesian Journal of Cardiology, 33(4), 227-35.
Clinical Research